Why 'C' students are more successful than 'A' students !

Hey, if you find your school difficult then this will give you a lot of hope and it's true also.

Well most of our parents says that 'you need to study hard to become successful' but not according to Robert Kiyosaki who is a millionaire and author of the book Why ''A'' students work for ''C'' students and ''B'' students work for the government.

Well i found many reasons why ''C'' students are more successful than ''A'' students, So let's get started.

➤"C" students question the academic system : "C" students question the academic system they see school and colleges as a factory which produces obedient workers and they don't wanted to be molded there. They think that why do we need to find the value of X if all they need to know is how to earn money. "C" students are more interested in earning money and academic doesn't offer that and now it's getting easier for "C" students to promote their passion by INTERNET.

They are not afraid to fail or get bad grades : Hey you know that if you once fail pick yourself up and try again. Well "C" students don't find perfection and doesn't afraid to fail in their first attempt but on the other side "A" students does find perfection in their first attempt and don't try again if they fail in their first attempt."C" students thought that failures are the steps to success and if "C" students can handle their mistakes easily then they posses a characteristic which every Entrepreneur must have.

➤They are RISK TAKERS : "A" students like to play it safe to avoid failure but "C" students aren't afraid of failure because they are failed many times in their academic life, they take calculated risk to achieve what they want in their life.It's more like that 'risk taker is the money maker'.

They are not submissive followers : "C" students don't fully trust the academic system.They are not of the 'yes' group they are more like 'yes, but....'.Just look at Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates did they dropout of college to live their own dream.

➤"C" students  have communication skills : 

"C" students are tend to have better social skills, they also devote themselves to building networks which may help them when they enter the real world."A" students think that they can do every work alone because they have validation from there report card but "C" students admit that they need help from those that are more skilled in them, This is why "C" students appreciate people and know how to treat them and when they interact with others they make sure that the other party make feels important than others, this is what that makes them great leader.

➤They find simpler ways to get things done : 
"C" students tend to be lazy they don't put much energy in accomplishing a task, they think about their dreams.Instead, they search for simpler and more effective solutions which increases their creativity.Bill Gates agree to this thing totally, He said.....

➤"C" students are dreamers : 

 Mostly teachers say 'Pay Attention' to "C" students because they spend most of the time looking out of the window, they can listen to a lecture but they don't devote themselves to it.They are more interested in what to do in their life rather than been stuck in the four walls of a classroom.

➤They have their own definition of success : They don't think that there is only one way to success, they think that there are other means to become successful.

"C" students posses skills that every Entrepreneur should have they are risk takers,dreamers,innovative and they are not afraid of failure.

Skills are becoming more and more valuable rather than Good grades.


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