The Most Powerful NUCLEAR BOMB in this World... !

Well, Science is one of the most important thing in this universe. Science should be used to give life to human not to take it! Scientist have developed several bomb after the dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Stay tuned because i am going to tell you guys the most powerful Nuclear Bombs which exist in this world....... In 1939 when there was a race between USA and Russia to make the first Nuclear Bomb.The scientific leader of the USA is Robert Oppenheimer . and the scientific leader of Soviet Union(Russia) is a German scientist Werner Heisenberg . We could produce Sun in the earth with the help of Nuclear Bombs but Heisenberg wasn't able to build a nuclear bomb but Oppenheimer succeed make Nuclear Bomb and that's why he is called the The Father of Atomic Bomb but it doesn't cause any benefit to Humanity. In 6 August 1945, America dropped it's first Nuclear Bomb on Hiroshama with the core which is made up of Uranium.The name of this Bomb is ...