Master the art of Marketing with LOW cost budget - (Marketing Part 2)

Marketing is considered to be one of the most important things for the expansion of a business, whether it is digital or physical you need your mind for outstanding marketing results. A mind is more powerful than your money. I am not saying that money is useless but look at the positive side of money, it can be useful with the help of your mind. So if you haven't checked the first part of marketing you can check it out here . So without any further discussion, let's move to the good stuff. Higher Expectations! This type of marketing is very, very, very useful if you have a good product. By creating a higher expectation in people's mind will bring a high level of curiosity, energy and excitement which will force people to buy this product at any cost! But, there are also downsides of creating high expectations in people's mind. If people do expect so much for your product then they began started imagining your product and if your product doesn't ma...