Create a successful business empire with less money !

People usually think that we need a lot of money to open a successful business. People think that you need a lot of hard work to become an entrepreneur. But it's really the other way around. So, what's the difference between a local shop and a large company like Google or Facebook. Well, there are lots of differences between them. Today, I will tell you about how to build a successful business in which a normal person can also build a great business by using these steps. I have compressed the points into 2 lines : Scratch the Itch with core minimum, Fight Passionately with less. Well, there's a lot of meaning hidden inside these lines so let's find out. ➤ Scratch the Itch Every big company like Google, Facebook, Tesla, Amazon, Apple etc have some things common which are that they all made a problem-solving product. For example, you use google to solve the confusion, you use Facebook to stay connected with your friends at any...