The Mandela Effect ? Shocking incidents that will Amaze you !

So, actually what is Mandela Effect ? The answer is that you knew something and totally sure about it but then it came out wrong is called Mandela Effect.So for example....... STAY TUNE FOR THE TRUTH ! #1 : Nelson Mandela's death Nelson Mandela, the first President of South Africa but the point is that when you search on Google for Nelson Mandela's death date you will get 5 December 2013 as shown....... As you can see..... but some people are saying that he had already died in 1991....but how can this happen, how a man can die two times and there are a huge amount of people saying that he died in 1991 and they said that they also saw his dead body in 1991 but the Google isn't wrong too... because the official records says that he died in 2013 and a famous book also published that he died in 1991 and the author of the book says that they can't make such a huge and embarrassing mistake by publishing the wrong death date of Nelson Mandela. See the ...