How And Why ? PUBG became so successful......!

PUBG which is one of the most popular battle royale games is now the most game in Play Store and ranks in the 6th place of most popular PC games but what's the reason PUBG became so popular and so famous? Battle Royale are becoming more and more popular and you may probably know about PUBG. It is the most popular game on Play Store right now! Now, BlueHole Inc. is worth more than $5 Billion and Brendan Greene who is the founder of PUBG has a net worth of $200 Million. PUBG is now in one of the top games in steam. Brendan Greene was a DJ and Photographer and had an interest in web designing, coding and one when a day when Brendan was playing the game DAYZ he got so much inspired from that Game and wanted to create his career in gaming Brendan help in the making of h1z1 and Brendan always wanted to create a game in which people don't get bored ever and wanted to make it a multiplayer game. A man named chang hang Kim bring Brendan to South Korea to h...